Carbon Emissions & The UK’s Largest Biomass Roll Out Project
A priority for UK businesses over recent years has made the reduction of their carbon emissions, driven by financial incentives from The State and an increase in the funding options available to them.
Whilst renewable technologies offer to deliver these reductions, a business also needs to provide accurate plant monitoring and periodic reporting of emissions in order to qualify for their financial incentives.
As the BEMS contractor for Baxi Commercial, IO Controls Ltd was responsible for engineering the control system serving the UK’s single largest biomass roll out project, across Bernard Matthews’ turkey farms.
Installing our control panels in packaged plant rooms permitted biomass boilers, smart energy meters and LPHW heating plant to be seamlessly integrated. Connection of the farms to a central server across the 3G mobile network enabled monthly energy reporting and continuous monitoring of the heating plant. Collection of this data was essential to ensure that subsidies were earned.
The project has reduced Bernard Matthews’ fuel costs by 50%, saving the company millions of pounds per year, whilst also reducing carbon emissions by 6610 tonnes of CO2e.
The LPHW heating also provides a dryer heat to the feeding sheds and has reduced ammonia levels and providing enhanced animal welfare.